Interactive Webinar: "Career Planning in a Crisis"

Target Audience: Everyone who is interested in improving their networking skills.
Session Format: Interactive webinar with Q&A time.
Facilitator: Alaina Levine, an award-winning entrepreneur, STEM career consultant, science journalist, professional speaker, and corporate comedian.
Short description:
In the middle of a crisis, such as the one we are experiencing worldwide right now, it may seem like this is not the time to advance your career. But this is a mistake to think this way. Your goal, in the middle of a crisis, is to demonstrate your generosity, empathy, and compassion to your colleagues and others in your networks. When you clarify that you are there to serve as a resource during a challenging time, you can nurture win-win alliances that will bring value to both parties.
In this webinar, we will discuss the strategy and tactics of career planning during a crisis- the foundation of which is you being resourceful and as helpful as you can. By articulating the unique value, you can provide, you will be accessing hidden career opportunities and creating new opportunities for everyone. And that is the driving spirit of what we aim to do: to authentically, honorably, and generously support others in this challenging, ever-changing ecosystem.
Learning Objectives:
By the time you finish this webinar and discussion, you will be able to:
- discover how to navigate your career through a crisis, like the one we are experiencing now;
- learn how to create opportunities for yourself and your collaborators, to ensure you are clarifying your value;
- learn how to build a plan to move your career objectives forward and adjust in real-time to issues brought up by the crisis.
Everyone is welcome!
Click HERE to register. The registration due date: May 11th, 2020.
About the Speaker
Alaina G. Levine is an award-winning entrepreneur, STEM career consultant, science journalist, professional speaker and corporate comedian. Her first book, Networking for Nerds, was published by Wiley, and was named one of the Top 5 Books of 2015 by Physics Today Magazine. The author of over 400 articles, she recently launched a new career column for ScienceCareers, entitled Your Unicorn Career.
She has delivered over 700 speeches for clients in the US, Europe, Mexico, Canada, and Africa, recently authored two online courses for Oxford University Press on career development and entrepreneurship/commercialization, is a consultant, speaker, and writer for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, and is the event manager for an international conference on phononics. @AlainaGLevine
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