"Writing clinic: Editing for Conciseness"


Wednesday, June 6, 2018 - 15:00 to 16:00


C600b, Lab 2


Target Audience: OIST Researchers and Graduate Students. 

Facilitator: Margaret Howell, Language Education Section.

Session Format: Interactive workshop

Short Description:

Writing in a second language is challenging enough, but writing for publication with specific word limits can seem almost impossible. Join us for this 1-hour interactive training to learn tips and tricks to cut your word count and clarify your writing in English. 

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this session participants will be able to ...

  • Use Noun + Noun structures to eliminate long prepositional phrases in writing
  • Identify and rewrite empty words, weak intensifiers and useless qualifiers in writing
  • Reformulate sentences in the training to practice these skills.

Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 5.



Post-event survey SUMMARY


About Margaret Howell

Originally from the United States, Margaret Howell lived and taught English in three different countries before coming to Japan in 2015. She has taught in the US, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Japan, working with students from 5-year-old kindergarteners up to 75-year-old retirees and everyone in between: schoolchildren, university students, graduate students, factory workers, call-center employees, administrators, and even high-level executives. She has a passion for languages and culture, and has designed and facilitated intercultural trainings for universities in the US and in Ukraine. Margaret has a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics, a Master’s in Intercultural Communication, and a TESOL certificate.


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