Faculty Perspectives: "A survivor's thoughts on transitioning from postdoc to faculty"


Wednesday, November 15, 2017 - 12:00 to 13:00


C016, Lab1


Target Audience: Everyone who would like to learn how to be a successful research academic

Session Format: Informal Q&A

What will be discussed:

Message form Dr. Neiman: 

"A postdoc, at least in my field, is the best job in the world. The only problem is that it's temporary. We are thus torn between enjoying the present vs. spending time on the desperate gamble of applying for a faculty position.  

Moreover, the gamble cannot be made half-heartedly: for most people, success requires substantial investment in mastering the higher arts of scientific communication.

I will offer some thoughts and anecdotes on these issues, from the point of view of someone who survived the process, but only barely."



About the speaker:

Yasha Neiman
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Physics (Tel Aviv University)
B.Sc. Physics (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
B.A. Computer Science (Open University of Israel)
Professional Experience
  • Pennsylvania State University, postdoctoral researcher, 2012-2014
  • Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, postdoctoral fellow, 2014-2017


  • Israeli Physical Society award for Ph.D. research in theoretical physics, 2011

  • Buchmann fellowship, Tel Aviv University, 2010
  • Awards for graduate research, 2007-2011

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