E-webinar: "Delivering your presentation remotely".


Tuesday, September 15, 2020 - 12:00 to 14:00


For RSVP only.


Target Audience: Anybody who is interested in delivering presentations remotely. 

Session format: E-Webinar.

Speaker: Dr Jean-luc Doumont, Principiae; www.principiae.be .

Short description:

When circumstances oblige you to deliver your presentation remotely from your office, your home, or even a hotel room, you face additional challenges, technological and otherwise. This remote lecture discusses and demonstrates the necessary adaptations to your tools, your environment, and your delivery to focus the attention of the audience, minimize distractions, and get your message across optimally.

Learning objectives: 

    By the end of this session, participants will be able to...

  • decide what (not) to share through the videoconference platform,
  • rearrange your work environment for a high signal-to-noise ratio,
  • adapt your verbal, vocal, and visual delivery for remote presentations.


Registration deadline: September 14, 2020.

To register CLICK HERE.

Post-workshop survey SUMMARY.

About the speaker: 


An engineer (Louvain) and PhD in applied physics (Stanford), Jean-luc Doumont is acclaimed worldwide for his no-nonsense approach, his highly applicable, often life-changing recommendations on a wide range of topics, and Trees, maps, and theorems, his book about “effective communication for rational minds.” For additional information, visit www.principiae.be .


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