Workshop : "学生のやる気を引き出すアクティブラーニングを実現するための授業デザインと技法" Japanese ONLY.

Target Audience: 教育やアクティブラーニングに関心がある人(研究者、ポスドク、大学院生).
Professors, postdocs, and graduate students who are interested in teaching and/or active learning.
Language: Japanese ONLY
Facilitator: 家島 明彦(大阪大学キャリアセンター 准教授/副センター長).
Dr. Akihiko Ieshima, Associate Professor/Deputy Director, Career Center, Osaka University.
Event Format: Interactive workshop 90分.
Short Description:
Why active learning? What is it? How to do it? You will get better understanding about active learning, for example, why it became important in Japan. Besides, you will learn how to practice active learning in your course.
Learning Outcomes:
- アクティブラーニングの導入背景を説明できる
- アクティブラーニングを実践することができる(=自分の授業に使えるAL技法を同定できる)
- 授業デザインのポイントを説明できる
By the end of this session, the participants will be able to...
- Explain what active learning is and why it became important in Japan;
- Practice active learning in their course (identify active learning method suit for their course);
- Explain important points in course design.
Registration deadline: February 25, 2020.
To Register CLICK HERE.
About the facilitator:
家島 明彦(大阪大学キャリアセンター 准教授/副センター長)
大阪大学人間科学部人間科学科を卒業後,京都大学大学院教育学研究科の修士課程(教育科学専攻 教育方法学講座発達教育分野)を修了。米国シカゴのノースイースタン・イリノイ大学(Northeastern Illinois University)心理学部のVisiting Scholarを経て,京都大学大学院教育学研究科の博士後期課程(教育科学専攻 教育方法学講座 発達教育分野)を学修認定退学。島根大学キャリアセンター講師,大阪大学教育学習支援センター講師などを経て2019年7月より現職。専門は,生涯発達心理学,キャリア教育。
Dr. Akihiko Ieshima, Associate Professor/Deputy Director, Career Center, Osaka University
Dr. Akihiko Ieshima studied Life-span developmental psychology and Career education at Kyoto University, Japan. He has over 15 years of teaching experience, and a professional member of FD team at Osaka University. He has been doing workshop about active learning in many universities so far. His course is one of the most popular among students at Osaka University and over 800 students try to register his course every year. It is because his course is designed for active learning.
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