[Seminar] "On-Surface Synthesis: What Happens Behind the Scenes?" by Dr. Marco Di Giovannantonio (Institute of Structure of Matter, CNR, Rome)

Title: "On-Surface Synthesis: What Happens Behind the Scenes?" by Dr. Marco Di Giovannantonio (Institute of Structure of Matter, CNR, Rome (Italy)
Abstract: The formation of extended low-dimensional molecular nanostructures is a scientific challenge with exciting technological prospects. On-surface synthesis (OSS) has opened pathways to covalent molecular nanostructures that have been inaccessible, so far, and the achievement of such materials in clean environments has enabled the use of the surface science toolkit for their in-depth investigation.
In this presentation, I will introduce the general aspects of the OSS approach. A special focus will be given to the experimental tools used for the characterization of reaction intermediates and products, such as scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and noncontact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM) with functionalized tips, and temperature-programmed x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (TP-XPS). Some case studies will be discussed to highlight the chemical transformations occurring during the growth of low-dimensional carbon-based nanomaterials.
Speaker: Dr. Marco Di Giovannantonio is responsible of the ESCA laboratory at CNR-ISM (https://www.ism.cnr.it/en/esca.html). He uses a multidisciplinary approach to synthesize and characterize novel low-dimensional carbon-based nanomaterials, and optimize their growth conditions and final properties to employ them in catalysis and organic electronics. (Areas of interest: Nanotechnology, surface science, catalysis, on-surface chemical reactions, organic molecules on surfaces, metal-organic networks, graphene-like nanostructures, graphene nanoribbons, open-shell molecular systems.)
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