
Staff Scientist / スタッフサイエンティスト 

Zakaria Ziadi ザカリア ズィアディ
zakaria.ziadi [at]

I completed my Ph.D. in electronic and electrical engineering from the University of the Ryukyus in 2015. My research in the Nanoparticle by Design Unit in OIST was focused on the understanding of gas phase synthesized nanoparticle effect on semiconducting nanowires based micro devices. My current research interest focuses on the effect of nanocarbon materials on graphene-based micro/nano devices and their applicability in gas sensing, bio sensing and optoelectronics.


Postdoctoral Researchers / 博士研究員   

Jingyun Tan 譚 景雲 タン ジンギュン (OIST Postdoctoral Scholar / ポストドクトラルスカラー)

I studied applied chemistry and organic chemistry during my bachelor and master stages, respectively. Then in Jan 2020, I received my doctoral degree from University of Macau with a concentration in biomedical sciences. Organic molecule synthesis is the foundation of my research. Pursuing a suitable application for useful material is always the goal. My studies cover linear and nonlinear optics, chiroptics, bioimaging and sensing. My current research interests focus on the synthesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the exploration of their applications in the optical/biological fields.


Hao Zhao 趙 浩 ​ジャオ ハオ (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow / 日本学術振興会外国人特別研究員)
hao.zhao [at]

I studied chemistry at Shaanxi Normal University (China) and obtained my bachelor’s degree in 2015. I received my PhD in organic chemistry from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2020. My current research interest mainly focuses on the synthesis of new multifunctional carbon nanomaterials for biosensing, bioimaging and biomedical therapeutics.


Clément Delacou クレマン ドゥラク (OIST Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellow)
clement.delacou [at]

In 2014, I graduated a Master of Engineering in Technical Textiles and Advanced Materials from ENSAIT (École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles) in Roubaix (France). I obtained my PhD in The University of Tokyo in 2019 after working mostly on organic and perovskite solar cells using carbon nanotubes or graphene electrodes, supervised by Prof. Yutaka Matsuo and Prof. Shigeo Maruyama. From 2020 to 2021, I did a postdoctoral research about nanofluidic and ion transport in devices using one individual carbon nanotube (IONESCO Project) in the University of Montpellier (France). In 2022, I did a second postdoctoral research on atomic force microscopy of graphene in the University of Genoa (Italy). I am now working at OIST on applications of nanographenes in solar cells with two units: Organic and Carbon Nanomaterials Unit (Prof. Akimitsu Narita) & Energy Materials and Surface Sciences Unit (Prof. Yabing Qi).


Zhiqiang Gao 高 誌強 ガオ ヅチャン​ (OIST Postdoctoral Scholar / ポストドクトラルスカラー)
zhiqiang.gao [at]

I received my bachelor’s degree (2018) in Materials Chemistry from China University of Geosciences (Beijing). I studied Organic Chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences and obtained my doctoral degree in Jun 2023. My current research interest focuses on the synthesis of novel functional polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)/nanographenes for applications in the field of neuroscience. 


Md Imrul Khalid エムディ イムルル カーリド (OIST Postdoctoral Scholar / ポストドクトラルスカラー)
md.khalid [at]

In 2016, I completed my Master of Science (MS) degree in Organic Chemistry at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Subsequently, I pursued a Ph.D. at Osaka University, where I enrolled as a doctoral student in 2017. I successfully obtained my doctoral degree from Osaka University in 2020, with a research focus on the Electrochemical Synthesis of Helicene and Cyclic Dehydro Helicene.
Following the completion of my Ph.D., I transitioned to a role as a Specially Appointed Assistant Professor in the same laboratory in 2021. In OIST, my current research revolves around exploring the bottom-up synthesis of nanocarbon materials and investigating ways to modulate their optoelectronic properties.


Cheng Yi Hou ホウ チェン イー​ (OIST Postdoctoral Scholar / ポストドクトラルスカラー)


Research Assistant/研究補助員

Hui Zhang ザン ホイ

OIST PhD Student / 博士課程 

Takatsugu Onishi 大西 臣禎
takatsugu.Onishi [at]

I studied electronics at Kochi University of Technology for Bachelor, and surface science at Kyoto University for master’s degree. Here at OIST, I am studying phenomena which happens at the interface between organic molecules and 2D quantum materials by collaborating with Quantum Materials Science Unit. 



Saurav Raj サウラヴ ラジ

I got my Master’s degree at IISER Pune, India. My current research work is focused on the bottom-up synthesis of functionalized nanographenes for various applications such as in optoelectronic devices. In my free time, I like to play badminton and go trekking. 


Research Unit Administrator / リサーチユニットアドミニストレーター 

Ayumi Shimojima 下嶋 亜由美

I was born and raised in Chiba, Japan, and moved to Okinawa in 2009. I support the Unit from the administrative side, and I enjoy assisting members in achieving their scientific objectives. Beside work, I love traveling, dancing and swimming with dolphins.


Research Students and Interns / 研究学生とリサーチ・インターン

Roger Simon De Febrer  (November 2024-May 2025)

Micaela Pozzati (January 2025-June 2025)

Ahmad El-Hawli (January 2025-April 2025)


Visiting Researcher / 客員研究員

Sobi Asako 浅子 壮美
sobi.asako [at]

Sobi Asako was born in Yokohama, Japan. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2014 from the University of Tokyo (advisor: Prof. Eiichi Nakamura). In the same year, he was appointed assistant professor at Okayama University (the group of Prof. Kazuhiko Takai). In 2019, he moved to RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science as a senior scientist. His research interests cover the exploration of sustainable organic synthesis and the design of conceptually new catalysts for challenging transformations.

Hiroki Hanayama 花山 博紀 

I received my Ph.D. degree from The University of Tokyo under the supervision of Prof. Eiichi Nakamura in March 2021. In my Ph. D, I focused on transmission electron microscopic (TEM) analysis of organic molecules, especially in the supramolecular chemistry of cyclodextrins. In 2021, I joined OIST (Narita unit) as a JSPS postdoctoral fellow and worked on the development of a structural characterization method for nanocarbon materials utilizing TEM. In 2023, I moved to Chiba University (the group of Prof. Shiki Yagai) as an assistant professor. My current research interest focuses on the development of supramolecular polymers with unique topology and their application.

Marco Di Giovannantonio

Marco Di Giovannantonio obtained his Master in Material Science (2011) and his PhD in Physics (2015) at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (Italy), for studies on surface-confined polymerization in ultrahigh vacuum and at the solid-liquid interface. In 2016, he joined the nanotech@surfaces laboratory at Empa (Dübendorf, Switzerland) as postdoc (and then scientist), under the supervision of Prof. Roman Fasel. In 2020, he got a permanent position at the Italian National Research Council (CNR), and since then he works at the Institute of Structure of Matter (ISM). He uses a multidisciplinary approach to synthesize and characterize novel low-dimensional carbon-based nanomaterials, and optimize their growth conditions and final properties to employ them as functional materials for catalysis and organic electronics.

Goudappagouda ゴーダッパゴウダ

I obtained my M.Sc. (Chemistry) from Kuvempu University, Karnataka. I received my Ph.D. in Chemical Science under the guidance of Dr. Santhosh Babu Sukumaran from CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India, in 2020. My Ph.D. focused on the design and synthesis of donor/ acceptor organic small molecules for lighting and light-harvesting applications. I also studied the charge carrier mobility and conductivity of donor-acceptor co-assemblies. My current research work is focused on the design and synthesis of nanographenes with zigzag and armchair edges for optoelectronic and photonic applications.
Google Scholar:

Xiushang Xu 許 修尚 シュウ シューシャ​ 
xiushang.xu [at]

I received my bachelor’s degree (2013) in Applied Chemistry from the University of Shandong. I obtained my Ph.D. from Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Lixiang Wang in January 2019. My dissertation was on the design, synthesis and optoelectronic properties of novel light-emitting and electron transport materials based on spirobisilafluorenes as building blocks. My current research interest focuses on the bottom-up synthesis of novel nanocarbon materials with atomically-precise structures for optoelectronic devices and bioimaging.


Former Members / 過去のメンバー 

Postdoctoral Researchers / 博士研究員​

Xiushang Xu 許 修尚 シュウ シューシャ​ (OIST Postdoctoral Scholar / ポストドクトラルスカラー; April 2019-March2024)

N. Maximilian Bojanowski ニクラス マクシミリアン ボジャノウスキ (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow & Humboldt Research Fellow / 日本学術振興会外国人特別研究員 & フンボルト奨学研究員; November 2022-November 2023; moved to ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology)

Goudappagouda ゴーダッパゴウダ (OIST Postdoctoral Scholar / ポストドクトラルスカラー; January 2021-August 2022; then JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow / 日本学術振興会外国人特別研究員; September 2022-March 2023)

Hiroki Hanayama 花山 博紀  (JSPS Research Fellow / 日本学術振興会特別研究員; April 2021-January 2023; moved to Chiba University)

Research Students and Interns / 研究学生とリサーチ・インターン

Meissha Ayum Ardini, Research Intern /リサーチ・インターン (July 2024-January 2025)

Patrik Ullman, Research Intern /リサーチ・インターン(July-December 2024)

Joel Gerald Wolfgang Schlecht シュレヒト ジョエル ゲラルド ボルフガン, Research Intern /リサーチ・インターン(April-October 2024)

Viktória Háziková, Research Intern /リサーチ・インターン (July-September 2024)

Jolan Antoine Gaston Bonelli ボネリ ジョラン アントワヌ ギャストン, Research Intern /リサーチ・インターン(September 2023-September 2024)

Islam Salem Marae Nasar, Research Intern / リサーチ・インターン​ (from University of New South Wales, Australia; December 2023-May 2024)

Xingfu Zhu, Research Intern / リサーチ・インターン (collaborator from Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research; June-July 2023)

Shijie Sun, Visiting Research Student / 訪問研究学生 (from Kunming University of Science and Technology; June-December 2022)

Spurti Mulimani, Research Intern / リサーチ・インターン (April-November 2022) 

Alicia Maria Götz (Goetz), Special Research Student / 特別研究学生 (from Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research and Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz; April-August 2022) 

Mi Yan, Visiting Research Student / 訪問研究学生 (May 2021-June 2022), Research Assistant (June-July 2022)

​Saurav Raj, Special Research Student / 特別研究学生 (from IISER Pune for his Master thesis project; October 2020-December 2021; started his PhD studies at OIST) 

Rotation Students / ラボローテーション

Academic Year 2024

Shuk Ying Kwan (September-December 2024) 
Hirokazu Sato​ (September-December 2024)

Academic Year 2023

Thomas Johannes Hasiweder (September-December 2023)

Academic Year 2022

Kaede Kawaguchi (May-August 2023) 
Anjali Gupta (January-April 2023) 
Abdulrahman Bakry (September-December 2022)
​Nanami Tomoda (September-December 2022)

Academic Year 2021

Tom Tassilo Wilfling​ (May-August 2022) 
Takatsugu Onishi (January-April 2022)
​Saurav Raj (January-April 2022)

Academic Year 2020

Samira Gmuer (May-August 2021)
​Rengo Yoshioka (May-August 2021) 
Kuan-Lin Chen (January-April 2021)
Qizheng Zhang (January-April 2021)