[Seminar] " How cerebellar connectivity maps relate to adaptive behavior?" by Dr.Ludovic Spaeth



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Neuronal Rhythms in Movement Unit (Uusisaari) would like to invite you to the virtual seminar by Dr.Ludovic Spaeth on Wednesday January 27th, 2021.


Dr.Ludovic Spaeth
PostDoc of Philippe Isope Lab, University of Strasbourg, France

<Join us via Zoom>

Meeting URL: https://oist.zoom.us/j/98448176132?pwd=YkF6UHdQQXB0MXo1eFhhZHlRSmhrUT09

Meeting ID: 984 4817 6132

Passcode: 159320


From planification to execution, cerebellar microcircuits encode different features of skilled movements. Whether functional synaptic connectivity maps encoding movement features are task-specific dependent or independent remains unknown. Here we investigated the spatial organization of excitatory synaptic connectivity in mice cerebellar cortex in different locomotor contexts: during development and in normal, trained or altered locomotor conditions. We combined optical, electrophysiological and mathematical approaches to describe synaptic connectivity between Granule cells (GCs) and Purkinje cells (PCs). Synaptic map maturation during development revealed a critical period in juvenile animals before the establishment of a stereotyped functional organization in adults. However, different locomotor conditions lead to specific GC-PC connectivity patterns in PCs.  Ultimately, we demonstrated that the variability in the connectivity maps directly accounts for idiosyncratic behavioral features of mice locomotion, suggesting that GC-PC networks encode individual internal models underlying motor adaptation.

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