[Seminar] Hot and Cold seminar by Rui Seabra


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - 16:30 to 17:30


L4F01, Lab4


Title:  “2399 temperature loggers from Svalbard to South Georgia: lessons on the implementation of very large environmental monitoring networks"

by Dr. Rui Seabra a colleague working in Portugal that have deployed thousands of temperature loggers in coastal areas all along the world (see the attached news article in Science).



Temperature acts on organisms' physiologies at the microhabitat scale, but improving the accuracy of forecasts of climate change impacts on biodiversity demands that the microhabitat be known over large spatial and temporal scales, something that until recently had been nearly impossible. The CCTBON network is doing just that on 217 rocky shores across the Atlantic, with hundreds more sites planned for the coming years. It this talk I will briefly introduce the CCTBON network and discuss in detail many practical aspects underlying the implementation of such large environmental monitoring networks, from technology, to management and logistics.


meeting ID: 958 2665 7787
(but we will prefer to see you !)


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