Past Events

Group Meeting Talk: Review of Higher Spin Theories

A719, Lab 3

In this talk Mirian Tsulaia will give us an introduction to Higher Spin Theories. 

Abstract: This talk will be a short and 'slow' introduction to Higher Spin Theories. Today we will discuss aspects of metric like formulation of higher spin theories.  


Journal club seminar: Lorentzian Structures on Branching Spacetimes

B 712, Lab 3
David O'Connell will tell us about his Master Thesis  Lorentzian Structures on Branching Spacetimes.

Abstract: “Branching Spacetimes” are a class of order-theoretic models that have interested philosophers and logicians for several decades. As it stands, the name is slightly misleading – the intended models of the theory do indeed branch, but they only partially represent spacetimes in the physicists’ use of the word. In this talk we will bridge this terminological gap by introducing a class of models that naturally enrich Branching “Spacetimes” with topological, differentiable and Lorentzian structures. As we will see, these models are interesting not only from a logical point of view, but also from geometric and physical perspectives as well.

Theoretical Physics Seminar: Yasha Neiman

Lab 1, D014

Theoretical Physics Seminar.
Speaker: Yasha Neiman (Quantum Gravity).
Title: "Introduction to holography and AdS/CFT".

Journal club seminar:The gravitational Wilson loop and the non-Abelian Stokes' theorem

B 712, Lab 3

This is the weekly Journal Club seminar.
Speaker: Reiko Toriumi.
Title: The gravitational Wilson Loop and the non-Abelian Stokes' theorem.

Journal club seminar: Geometric Quantization

B712, Lab 3
We will discuss an interesting paper by Andrea Carosso  Geometric Quantization
Slava Lysov  will be  leading the discussion.

QG group meeting: Holography, effective strings, and hadrons

A719, Lab 3

This is the weekly Quantum Gravity group meeting.
Speaker: Dorin Weissman.
Title: Holography, effective strings and hadrons.

Theoretical Physics Seminar: Keerthy Menon

Lab 1, C016

Theoretical Physics Seminar.
Speaker: Keerthy Menon (Quantum Systems).
Title: "Wave particle duality - the evergreen mystery".

QG group meeting: Deformations and cocycles

A719, Lab 3

This is the weekly Quantum Gravity group meeting.
Speaker: Slava Lysov.
Title: Deformations and cocycles.

Theoretical Physics Seminar: Andreas Thomasen

Lab 1, C016

Theoretical Physics Seminar.
Speaker: Andreas Thomasen (Quantum Matter).
Title: "Intuitions about topology in condensed matter physics".

Journal club seminar: Simplest black hole in 4d higher-spin gravity

B711, Lab 3
We will discuss the classical paper by V.E. Didenko and M.A. Vasiliev Static BPS black hole in 4d higher-spin gauge theory
Yasha Neiman  will be  leading the discussion.
