Mini Course: Terminal

This course will be your map and compass into the adventure-filled world of Unix-based systems.

We are organizing this course in collaboration with the Scientific Computing and Data Analysis Section in RSD and our goal is to teach the tools required for sending jobs on Deigo. There are very few graphical user interfaces running on Deigo, and it makes much more sense to learn at least the basics on how to use command lines in the terminal.

It is the sixth time we run this course, the teaching material will be that much easier to prepare. If you are interested in attending or teaching it, sign up below!

Target audience

This course is suitable for anyone, no prior knowledge is necessary. Please request access to Deigo in advance.


The teachers were Charles Plessy (staff scientist), Ryo Nakatani (PhD student) and Jeremie Gillet (asciiquarium fan), helped by Lucia Zifcakova (postdoc).

Program (Sixth edition, February 2022)

The program was be as follows:

Date Time Topic Lecturer
Monday, February 7 2PM ~ 3PM [optional] help session: accessing Deigo for remote participants Jeremie
Monday, February 7 3PM ~ 5PM Terminal basics Ryo 
Wednesday, February 9 3PM ~ 5PM Text editor: vim Jeremie
Monday, February 14 3PM ~ 5PM Interacting with Deigo Charles

The first session is optional and is meant to help remote users log into Deigo. On-site participants should have no issue logging in as long as they have requested access to Deigo, but remote participants need one more step.

You will find all the material used for this course here.

◆Fifth edition, November 2020

Program (Fifth edition, November 2020)

The teachers were Charles Plessy (staff scientist), Juan Polo Gomez (postdoc) and Jeremie Gillet (asciiquarium fan).

The program was be as follows:

Date Time Topic Lecturer
Monday, November 9 10AM ~ 12PM Terminal basics Juan 
Wednesday, November 11 10AM ~ 12PM Text editor: vim Jeremie
Friday, November 13 10AM ~ 12PM Interacting with Deigo Charles

You will find all the material used for this course here.

◆Fourth edition, May 2019

Program (Fourth edition, May 2019)

The teachers were Charles Plessy (postdoc), Vsevolod "Seva" Nikulin (student) and Jeremie Gillet (asciiquarium fan).

The program was be as follows:

Date Time Topic Lecturer
Monday, May 27 3PM ~ 5PM Terminal basics Seva 
Tuesday, May 28 3PM ~ 5PM Text editor: vim Jeremie
Monday, June 3 3PM ~ 5PM Interacting with Sango Charles

You can download all the material that we used during this Skill Pill here.

You can watch the footage of the Skill Pill here.

◆Third edition, May 2018

Program (Third edition, May 2018)

The program will be as follows:

Date Time Topic Lecturer
Tuesday, May 22 10AM ~ 12PM Terminal basics Stefano
Thursday, May 24 10AM ~ 12PM Text editor: vim Jeremie
Monday, May 28 10AM ~ 12PM Interacting with Sango Takeshi

You can download all the material that we used during this Skill Pill here.

◆Second edition, March 2017

Program (Second edition, March 2017)

The teachers for this Skill Pill were be Valentin Churavy, James Schloss (PhD students) and Angela White (Postdoc).

The program will be as follows:

Date Time Topic Lecturer
Wednesday, April 5 5PM ~ 7PM Terminal basics Angela
Thursday, April 6 5PM ~ 7PM Text editor: vim James
Monday, April 10 5PM ~ 7PM Interacting with Sango Valentin

You can download all the materialt hat we used during this Skill Pill here.

◆First edition, March 2016

Program (First edition, March 2016)

The program (subject to slight changes) will be divided into four two-hour sessions spread out in March as follows 

Date Time Topic Lecturer
Wednesday, March 16th 5PM ~ 7PM Basics (UNIX, files, commands, permissions…) James Schloss
Thursday, March 17th 5PM ~ 7PM Text editor: vim Valentin Churavy
Wednesday, March 23rd 5PM ~ 7PM Bash scripting Guido Klingbeil
Thursday, March 24th 5PM ~ 7PM Submitting jobs on Sango Eddy Taillefer

You can download all the material (notes, exercices and code) that we used during this Skill Pill here.

More information

  • Location: B701, Computer Lab, Lab 3.
  • What to prepare:
  • Zoom link: if you prefer joining remotely, or if B701 exceeds 50% capacity, you can join using this link. Unfortunately, we won't be able to provide much help with the hands-on part via Zoom. 
  • Drinks: There will be free coffee and tea, bring your cup!

If you have some interest in this course, please answer this webform and let us know if you'd like to participate, even for a single session.

Thank you very much for your interest.

For students: describe your current knowledge of the terminal commands and how comfortable your are with it. For teachers: describe briefly your level of expertise (do you use it in your research? how often?).
For students: explain briefly the reasons for enrolling in this course (for a class? lab rotation? fun?). For teachers: describe briefly why you wish to teach this course.
Any additional thing you would like to let us know.