Diversity open forum


2020年8月28日 (金) 17:30




The diversity team is back! ...but actually, it never disappeared! We've been working behind the scenes, thinking about how to improve the diversity at OIST. Since the BLM lunch event that was hosted in June, we found that one of the recurrent topics in your feedback (verbal and written) was that you want to know more about OIST's plans on diversity, including information regarding diversity problems that OIST is facing and how to solve them.


Graduate School is keen on addressing those issues and has asked us to compile specific questions for them to prepare a response. We thought that a good idea would be to invite interested students to join our diversity team to discuss diversity questions or issues that you want us to address to Graduate School.


You are therefore invited to C700 on Friday 28th of August at 5.30PM for this open forum. It will be a safe space to discuss any shortcomings that you have noticed at OIST and wish could be fixed, any topic under diversity is welcome. Also, if you can't be there on that day or you want to participate anonymously, we will leave a box right in the student lounge, where you can leave your questions or issues and we will discuss them on the Friday meeting. During this meeting we will also give more updates on what we are doing and our perspective on diversity at OIST. We will also be happy to receive any suggestions. 


We look forward to working with you to improve the status of diversity at OIST!

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