Bingata Workshop by Hanzakibingata

What is Okinawa Bingata(沖縄紅型)

It is a traditional dyed craft in Okinawa which started around 14~15th century. It is combining the techniques of stencil dyeing from China and the hand dyeing skills of Kyoto Yuzen. Bingata’s vibrant and distinct colors are created by pigments and plant-based dyes.


In Japanese kanji, Bingata is ”紅型”.

“紅(bin)” means all colors (usually, this kanji means red, though)


“型(gata)” means patterns.


  • This cultural art experience can be shared with your child if you chose to bring your small one with you. Age 5 and above.


1. Shisa face
2.Okinawa birds
3. Okinawa marine


Date and Time(日付と時間帯)

Saturday, July 2nd 7月2日(土)

10:00A.M ~ 12:00P.M(2 hours to complete project)

Location (場所)

 Onna Village Fureai Experience Learning Center 5973 Onna, Onna-village, Kunigami District, Okinawa 904-0411

恩納村ふれあい体験学習センター 904-0411 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村字恩納5973


Fee for student is ¥500


Fee for Non Student is ¥3,000


※Please stop by Recreation Service and submit your payment by Monday,June 27th


1 スタート 2 完了
※The fee will be changed depends on your status at OIST. ・Student fee is ¥500 and Non student fee is ¥3,000  学生の参加費は500円です。学生以外の方の参加費は3,000円です。
Please stop by Recreation Services and make payment by June 27th for your reservation.