[Seminar] Surface Probe Microscopy using Ultra-Cold Atoms

Prof. Farhan Saif from Quaid-i-Azam Univerity
To probe a surface with super high resolution we present a scanning probe microscope (SPB) based on the quantum recurrence of ultracold atoms, named 'Recurrence Tracking microscope' (RTM). The suggested microscope is developed to overcome some key challenges associated with the previous SPBs, such as scanning tunneling microscope and atomic force microscope. A cloud of ultracold atoms, moving under gravity, bounces off an atomic mirror connected to a cantilever and exhibits quantum recurrences. The times at which the recurrences occur depend on the initial height of the bouncing atoms above the atomic mirror and vary following the structures on the surface under investigation. The RTM has inherent advantages over STM and AFM as it can be used in static and dynamic mode. Presently available experimental technology makes it possible to develop the device in the laboratory.
Dr Farhan Saif is a professor of Electronics and Physics, and Director of Technology Development center at Quaid-i-Azam Univerity, Islamabad, Pakistan. His research areas include ultracold atoms and Bose–Einstein condensates in optical fields, quantum computation, quantum information, nano optomechanics, nano-devices, quantum optics and dynamical systems. He has also contributed in health sciences. In recognition of his many pioneering contributions as a researcher and educator, he has received numerous national and international awards.
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