Past Events

3D printed complex microoptics: Fundamentals and first benchmark applications - come learn how to "print" optical elements!

2024年5月7日 (火) 16:00
Lab 2 A613

3D printed complex microoptics: Fundamentals and first benchmark applications - come learn how to "print" optical elements!

Positions available in the Quantum Machines Unit

2024年5月1日 (水) (All day)
Quantum Machines Unit

The Quantum Machines Unit is seeking new researchers: theory of quantum sensors and for experiments in hybrid quantum systems.

Cavity Quantum Optomechanical Nonlinearities: from Position Measurement Beyond the Linearized Regime to Deterministic Mechanical Nonclassicality

2024年4月18日 (木) 17:00 18:00

Dr. Jack Clarke - The Quantum Measurement Lab, Imperial College London

Potential of Diamond Quantum Sensors

2024年3月12日 (火) 16:00 17:00
Seminar Room E48 - Lab 4

OIST Center for Quantum Technologies Colloquium: Potential of Diamond Quantum Sensors

Prof. Mutsuko Hatano, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Toward On-Chip Spin Magnetomechanics with Levitated Systems

2023年12月14日 (木) 9:00

Levitated quantum systems can be used to build ultra-precise sensors for use in technology but also to search for new fundamental types of forces and dark matter. In this seminar PhD student Trisha Madhavan from Mikhail Lukin's Nanomechanics subgroup at Harvard University will talk about her work on levitating tiny magnets and coupling them to NV defects in diamond.

OIST Workshop "Feedback control of Quantum Machines"

2023年11月27日 (月) (All day)2023年12月1日 (金) (All day)
Main Campus, Seminar Room B250 (Center Building)

OIST Workshop | Main organizer: Jason Twamley (Quantum Machines) | Website | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions.

Levitodynamics of optically active nanocrystals

2023年6月22日 (木) 16:00

Did you know that for some very special materials, when you shine light on them they will cool down? Optical refridgeration is not a very well known phenomena but it can cool materials down to temperatures below 100K! In this talk we will discuss the optical trapping of nanoparticles AND the bulk cooling of them using optical means.

Generation of entanglement from mechanical rotations

2023年6月15日 (木) 16:00
Lab 4 E01

Generation of entanglement from mechanical rotations. Is it possible to use the movement of massive objects to generate quantum entanglement? If this proves to be possible - what consequences would it have for our understanding regarding quantum mechanics and how it relates to space and time? Come to this talk by thoeretician Dr Toros, from Scotland - to hear how he proposes to do it and what might be the consequences!

[Seminar] Cavity Magnonics

2023年5月25日 (木) 16:00 17:00
Seminar Room F01 - Lab 4

Prof. Yaroslav M. Blanter, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology.

Come chat with Serge!

2023年5月19日 (金) 10:00

Come chat with Serge…

Please join us for an informal discussion with Prof Serge Haroche…Serge was joint awardee of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics for “ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems”!



