Theoretical Physics Seminar: Miquel Jorquera


2019年11月22日 (金) 14:00


Lab 1, C016


This is the 15th biweekly session of the OIST Theoretical Physics Seminar.
In this seminar series, we pretend to have a theoretical physics department, and tell each other informal stories over drinks and snacks.

Speaker: Miquel Jorquera.
Title: "What's so particular about photons?"

Photons are the particle of light. Or so they say... Have you ever seen (in a proper quantum mechanics text) a photon represented at a specific point in space? Have you ever seen its wavefunction? No, because it turns out that it's impossible! In this talk I will explain why photons cannot be localized in space and thus have no wavefunction, how actually nothing can be localized in space, why photons in particular are very, very non-localizable, and how to completely ignore all of that and build a photon wavefunction anyway. 


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