[Seminar] "Bouncing black holes: A realistic model?" by Dr. Marios Christodoulou


2018年5月29日 (火) 15:00 16:00


C756, Lab 3


Quantum Gravity Unit (Neiman Unit) would like to invite you to a seminar by Dr. Marios Christodoulou from South University of Science and Technology

Title: "Bouncing black holes: A realistic model?"

Independent work of various groups indicates that realistic black hole physics may produce intense and abrupt bursts of energy. These explosions are the result of spacetime regions that initially behave as black holes and then turn to a white hole behavior. Spacetime regions identified as physical black holes, such as Saggitarius A*, are expected to be described globally by closed (circular) trapping horizons. The outer portion of the trapping horizon has the local qualitative properties of a black hole event horizon for long asymptotic time and the inner horizon is the result of the singularity being smoothed-out. While a step towards a more realistic description, these models have been known to suffer serious issues. We discuss the problems with this description and the pertinence of allowing anti-trapped spacetime regions.

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