[Lecture] "Tensionless String Spectra in AdS_3" by Prof. Rajesh Gopakumar


2018年6月30日 (土) 13:30 14:30


C719, Lab 3


Quantum Gravity Unit (Neiman Unit) would like to invite you to a lecure by Prof. Rajesh Gopakumar from ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru, India

Title: "Tensionless String Spectra in AdS_3"


We examine the spectrum of superstrings on backgrounds of the form AdS_3\times S^3\times M at their minimal radius (or tensionless limit). We focus on a very natural subsector which consists of states at the bottom of the so-called spectrally flowed continuous representations. We find that this entire subsector matches precisely with that of a symmetric product CFT. This can be viewed as a signature of an unbroken Higher Spin Square (HSS) symmetry at this point. This HSS symmetry had previously appeared at a very different tensionless point in the parameter space of the string theory on AdS_3.

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