[Seminar] Resurgent Properties of Minimal Strings and Painlevé Equations (Mr. Roberto Vega, Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisboa)
2021年2月23日 (火) 17:00 〜 18:00
Title: "Resurgent Properties of Minimal Strings and Painlevé Equations"
Abstract: In this this talk we will introduce the concept of resurgence and how can it be applied to construct global, nonperturbative solutions. As complete examples, we will mention the cases of the Painlevé I and II, while we will end up by focusing on the current state of the Inhomogeneous PII and a q-deformed PII. All these equations (with the exception of the Inhomogeneous PII) appear in the context of Minimal Strings and represent interesting low-dimensional toy models of Quantum Gravity.
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