Science Digest: "Kinematic Signatures of Cannabinoids"


2019年3月20日 (水) 12:00 13:00


Room C015 (Lab 1, Level C)


On March 20, Bogna Ignatowska-Jankowska​ will talk about kinematic signatures of cannabinoids.


One of most pronounced behavioral effects of cannabinoid CB1 receptor activation is a profound inhibitory effect on locomotor activity. However, the effects of cannabinoids on subtle motor behavior have not been extensively studied.  We hypothesize that at low doses that do not produce significant somatic effects but are known to evoke interoceptive effects, cannabinoids will cause changes in body kinematics during natural behavior. Such changes could be revealed by precise analysis of movement in freely moving animals. Here we demonstrate a method of high-resolution 3D kinematic tracking of rodents, that allows analysis of a variety of behaviors with high spatiotemporal precision allowing detection of subtle changes in movement trajectories.

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