Daniel Rokhsar

Daniel Rokhsar
Professor (Adjunct)
A.B. Princeton University
M.S. and Ph.D. Cornell University
M.S. and Ph.D. Cornell University
Professional Experience
- IBM TJ Watson Research Center
- University of California, Berkeley
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute
- Kusaka Memorial Prize in Physics, Princeton University (1982)
- NSF Presidential Young Investigator (1990)
- Alfred P Sloan Foundation Fellow (1994)
- John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow (2000)
- Friday Evening Lecturer, Marine Biological Institute, Woods Hole MA (2010)
- Cotton Biotechnology Award, National Cotton Council (2012)
Select Publications
- Wu GA, Prochnik S, Jenkins J, et al. (2014) “Sequencing of diverse mandarin, pummelo and orange genomes reveals complex history of admixture during citrus domestication.” Nat Biotechnol. 32(7):656-62.
- Schmutz J, McClean PE, Mamidi S, et al. (2014). “A reference genome for common bean and genome-wide analysis of dual domestications.” Nat Genet. 46(7):707-13.
- Verde I, Abbott AG, Scalabrin S, et al. (2013) “The high-quality draft genome of peach (Prunus persica) identifies unique patterns of genetic diversity, domestication and genome evolution.” Nat Genet. 45(5):487-94.
- Simakov O, Marletaz F, Cho SJ, et al. (2013). “Insights into bilaterian evolution from three spiralian genomes.” Nature 493(7433):526-31.
- Freeman R, Ikuta T, Wu M, et al. (2012). “Identical genomic organization of two hemichordate hox clusters.” Curr Biol. 22(21):2053-8.
- Hellsten U, Aspden JL, Rio DC, Rokhsar DS (2011). “A segmental genomic duplication generates a functional intron.” Nat Commun. 2:454.
- Srivastava M, Simakov O, Chapman J, et al. (2010). “The Amphimedon queenslandica genome and the evolution of animal complexity.” Nature 466(7307):720-6.
- Prochnik SE, Umen J, Nedelcu AM, et al. (2010). “Genomic analysis of organismal complexity in the multicellular green alga Volvox carteri.” Science 329(5988):223-6.
- Hellsten U, Harland RM, Gilchrist MJ, et al. (2010). “The genome of the Western clawed frog Xenopus tropicalis.” Science 328(5978):633-6.
- Chapman JA, Kirkness EF, Simakov O, et al. (2010). “The dynamic genome of Hydra.” Nature 464(7288):592-6.
- Marlow HQ, Srivastava M, Matus DQ, Rokhsar D, Martindale MQ (2009). “Anatomy and development of the nervous system of Nematostella vectensis, an anthozoan cnidarian.” Dev Neurobiol. 69(4):235-54.
- Srivastava M, Begovic E, Chapman J, et al. (2008). “The Trichoplax genome and the nature of placozoans.” Nature 454(7207):955-60.
- Putnam NH, Butts T, Ferrier DE, et al. “The amphioxus genome and the evolution of the chordate karyotype.” Nature. 2008 Jun 19;453(7198):1064-71.
- King N, Westbrook MJ, Young SL, et al. (2008). “The genome of the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis and the origin of metazoans.” Nature 451(7180):783-8.
- Putnam NH, Srivastava M, Hellsten U, et al. (2007). “Sea anemone genome reveals ancestral eumetazoan gene repertoire and genomic organization.” Science 317(5834):86-94.