QG group meeting: Emergent Supersymmetry from a Twistor Space description of the U(N) vector model


2023年7月19日 (水) 14:00


Lab 4, E01


This is the weekly QG group meeting.
Speaker: Julian Lang.
Title: "Emergent Supersymmetry from a Twistor Space description of the U(N) vector model".

When writing higher-spin gravities equations of motion, in addition to spacetime position x, one introduces a spinorial variable (the twistor Y) to pack all component fields into a higher-spin covariant multiplet. I will show how one can represent correlation functions of certain operators in the dual theory in this same twistor language, thereby making its higher-spin symmetry apparent. By comparing boundary descriptions of two versions of HiSGRA (type-A and type-B) we will find that it contains a N=2 Supersymmetry.

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