I) Keynote speakers
a) Prof.Dmitriy Aronov / Aronov Lab / The Zukerman institute, Columbia University, USA / Birds
b) Prof. Kenji Doya / Neural Computation Unit / OIST, Japan / Mice and Computation
II) RIKEN-CBS participating units are
a) Prof. Terufumi Fujiwara / Adaptive motor control Unit / Drosophila
b) Prof. Jun Nagai / Glia-Neuron Circuit dynamics laboratory / Mice
c) Prof. Yoshihiro Yoshihara / System molecular ethology laboratory / Mice and Fish
d) Prof. Tomomi Shimogori / Molecular mechanisms of brain development laboratory / Marmosets and Mice
e) Prof. Hokto Kazama / Circuit mechanisms of sensory perception laboratory / Drosophila
f) Prof. Joshua Johansen / Neural circuitry of learning and memory laboratory / Prof. Joshua Johansen/ Rodents
III) OIST participating units are
a) Prof. Jeffery Wickens / NRU (Neurobiology Research Unit) / Rodents
b) Prof. Sam Reiter / CNU (Computational Neuroethology Unit) / Octopi and Squids
c) Prof. Kazamusa Tanaka / MRU (Memory Research Unit) / Mice
d) Prof. Yukiko Goda / SBU (Synapse Biology Unit) / Mice
e) Prof. Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama / NMCPU (Neural Mechanism of Critical Period Unit) / Birds
f) Prof. Gerald Pao / BNDD (Biological Nonlinear Dynamics Data Science Unit) / Computation
g) Prof. Greg Stephens / BPTU (Biological Physics Theory Unit) / Computation