
Day 1:  21 August 2023 (Venue: B250)

Time slot     
9:00:10:00  Registration   
10:00: 10:15  Prof. Kazumasa Tanaka (OIST) Inauguration of the symposium 
10:15: 10:30 Prof. Nicholas Luscombe (OIST) Introduction to OIST and SHINKA Grant
10:45:11:45 Prof. Dmitriy Aronov (Columbia U) Keynote speaker session 
12:00:1:30  Lunch break  Break
1:30: 3:00

Prof. Tomomi Shimogori (RIKEN)

Prof. Terufumi Fujiwara (RIKEN)

Joint investigator session (30+10 min for each talk)
3:00 - 3:30 Coffee Break Break
3:30: 5:10

Mayumi Watanabe (Johansen Lab, RIKEN)

Hend Samniya (Tripp Lab, OIST)

Miles Desforges (Doya Lab, OIST)

Xiaoyun Li (Aronov Lab, Columbia U)

Li-Feng Yeh (Johansen Lab, RIKEN)

Joint student/postdoc session (12+6 min for each talk)

Dinner (18:00-19:30): Yuntaku. 


Day 2: 22 August 2023 (Venue: B250)

9:00: 9:45

First-day discussion panel (Chair: Prof. Goda)

Panelists: Prof. Yazaki-Sugiyama, Prof. Shimogori, Prof. Fujiwara

Brainstorming session
(Big Theme: Use of diverse animal models in neuroscience)
9:45: 10:00

Coffee Break 


Prof. Jeff Wickens (OIST)

Prof. Josh Johansen (RIKEN)

Joint investigator session (30+10 min for each talk)
11:30:12:30  Lunch break  Break

Prof. Jun Nagai (RIKEN)

Prof. Yukiko Goda (OIST)

Joint investigator session (30+10 min for each talk)

Eichi Toyoizumi (McHugh Lab, RIKEN)

Tomoya Noma (Yokobayashi Lab, OIST)

Luis Carretero (Masai Lab, OIST)

Joint student/postdoc session (12+6 min for each talk)
3:00:3:20 Coffee Break Break

Yoshiaki Kato (Kazama Lab, RIKEN)

Leonie Kirszenblat (Kazama Lab, RIKEN)

Salvatore Lacava (Uusisaari Lab, OIST)

Joint student/postdoc session (12+6 min for each talk)
4:20:4:30  Coffee Break Break 
4:30:5:30  Prof. Kenji Doya (OIST) Keynote speaker session (online)


Day 3: 23 August 2023 (Venue: B250)

9:00: 9:45

Second-day discussion panel (Chair: Prof. Tanaka)

Panelists: Prof. Wickens, Prof. Johansen, Prof. Nagai, Prof. Goda

Brainstorming session
(Big theme: Future directions of research of learning and memory)
9:45: 10:00

Coffee Break 


Prof. Sam Reiter (OIST)

Prof. Hokto Kazama (RIKEN)

Joint investigator session (30+10 min for each talk)
11:20: 11:30 Coffee Break Break
11:30: 12:50

Prof. Yoshihiro Yoshihara (RIKEN)

Prof. Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama (OIST)

Joint investigator session (30+10 min for each talk)
12:50:2:00  Lunch Break  Break

Prof. Gerald Pao (OIST)

Prof. Greg Stephens (OIST)

Joint investigator session (30+10 min for each talk)
3:20:3:40 Coffee Break Break 

Bogna Ignatowska-Jankowska (Uusisaari Lab, OIST)

Sungho Hong (De Schutter Lab, OIST)

Joint student/postdoc session (12+6 min for each talk)
4:20:4:30 Coffee Break Break 


Third-day discussion panel (Prof. Reiter)

Panelists: Prof. Kazama, Prof. Yoshihara, Prof. Pao, Prof. Stephens

Brainstorming session
(Big theme: Benefits and limitations of current large-scale behavioral and neural data analysis methods)
5:15:5:30 Prof. Kazumasa Tanaka Closing remarks

Dinner: Kafu Resort Orange cafe'  6:00 pm


Titles of keynote talks

  • Prof. Dmitriy Aronov
    Barcoding of episodic memories in the hippocampus of a food-caching bird
  • Prof. Kenji Doya
    How can we build and utilize the Digital Brain?


Titles of PI talks

  • Prof. Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama
  • Prof. Tomomi Shimogori
  • Prof. Terufumi Fujiwara
    Neural mechanisms of precise and adaptive motor control
  • Prof. Jeff Wickens
  • Prof. Josh Johansen
    Constructing Emotional Representations in the Brain
  • Prof. Jun Nagai
    Astrocyte ensembles for distinct experiences
  • Prof. Yukiko Goda
    Fine-tuning synaptic strengths in local circuits
  • Prof. Sam Reiter
  • Prof. Hokto Kazama
    Representations and circuits for opposing odor values in the brain
  • Prof. Yoshihiro Yoshihara
    Molecular, cellular and neural circuit mechanisms underlying olfactory alarm reaction in zebrafish
  • Prof. Gerald Pao
    Mapping brain activity to behavior on the surface of low dimensional manifolds
  • Prof. Greg Stephens


Titles of student/postdoc talks

  • Mayumi Watanabe
    Prefrontal cortical subregions bidirectionally control fear extinction learning through projections to the locus coeruleus
  • Hend Samniya
    Structural and pragmatic language use in children with and without ADHD during social discourse
  • Miles Desforges
    Characterisation of spatiotemporal release of dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin in cortical M2 using genetically encoded neuromodulator indicators
  • Xiaoyun Li
    In search of the Neural Representation of Episodic Content
  • Li-Feng Yeh
    Aversive-sensorimotor neural circuit for instructing associative fear memories
  • Eichi Toyoizumi
    Survey of Nature vs Nurture using prenatally delivered genetic tools in the Brain
  • Tomoya Noma
    Towards Context-dependent Transgene Expression: Brain Cell-type Specific Gene Switches and Beyond
  • Luis Carretero
    Zebrafish MeCP2 mutation produces behavioral alterations reminiscent of Rett Syndrome
  • Yoshiaki Kato
    Neural circuits and computations transforming olfactory input to motor output
  • Leonie Kirszenblat
    Sleep disrupts odor value processing in Drosophila
  • Salvatore Lacava
    The role of tails in maintaining balance: neuronal and behavioral insights from the mouse
  • Bogna Ignatowska-Jankowska
    Distinct behavioral phenotypes induced by endocannabinoid modulation in high-precision marker-based 3D motion capture of freely moving mice
  • Sungho Hong
    Multidimensional cerebellar computations for flexible kinematic control of movements