[Seminar] Blueprint for a Scalable Photonic Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computer by Dr. J. Eli Bourassa and Dr. Ilan Tzitrin, Xanadu


2021年11月24日 (水) 10:00




Blueprint for a Scalable Photonic Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computer


Dr. J. Eli Bourassa and Dr. Ilan Tzitrin



In this talk, we present Xanadu's proposal for a scalable and fault-tolerant photonic quantum computer. Central to our architecture are Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill bosonic qubits and squeezed states of light, stitched together into a qubit cluster state with one time and two spatial dimensions. This proposal for generating and manipulating a 3D resource state for fault-tolerant, measurement-based quantum computation combines state-of-the-art procedures for the preparation of bosonic qubits with the strengths of continuous-variable quantum computation performed using easy-to-generate squeezed states. Moreover, the architecture is based on modular, easy-to-network integrated photonic chips, opening the door to scalable fabrication and operation, which may in turn allow photonics to leap-frog other platforms on the path to a quantum computer with millions of qubits.


Bigraphy of the speakers:

J. Eli Bourassa and Ilan Tzitrin are researchers at Xanadu designing architectures for fault-tolerant photonic quantum computers based on bosonic qubits. Previously, Eli completed a PhD in Physics at the University of Toronto (U of T), with a focus on photonic quantum computing and quantum key distribution. Ilan completed his PhD in Physics at U of T, specializing in entanglement theory and optical quantum information, followed by a joint postdoc between Xanadu and U of T.



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