OIST neuroscience online seminars (ONOS)
This is a series of online seminars hosted by the OIST Neuroscience Club, trying to foster the discussion and interaction between computational and experimental neuroscience.
This initiative was motivated in part by the COVID-19 epidemic and the need for social distancing. We hope to make this online series an ongoing, standard way of continuous scientific interaction with various labs across the world.
We happily receive guest talk suggestions from OIST members and give priority talks that combine both experimental and computational perspectives. A number of OIST professors are helping us in the selection and invitation process, also.
Please send us your suggestions or feedback.
2025 organizers:
Pedro, Ines, Miyu, Hannah, Hugo,
2024 organizers: Naohiro ( Naohiro.Yamauchi@oist.jp) and Miyu (Miyu.Nambu@oist.jp)
2023 organizers: Yuma (Yuma.Kajihara1@oist.jp), Naohiro ( Naohiro.Yamauchi@oist.jp) and Miyu (Miyu.Nambu@oist.jp)
2022 organizers: Yuma (Yuma.Kajihara1@oist.jp), and Miyu (Miyu.Nambu@oist.jp)
2021 organizers: C.Galetzka (cedric.galetzka@oist.jp) and K.Tsaridis(Konstantinos.Tsaridis@oist.jp)
2020 organziers: T.Burns and M. ElTabbal
2025 schedule
Date |
Seminar title |
Presenter(s) |
Location |
Friday, 16:00 pm |
Action, valence, dopamine |
Prof. Bertram Gerber Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany https://www.lin-magdeburg.org/research/research-units/department-genetics-of-learning-and-memory |
2024 schedule
Date |
Seminar title |
Presenter(s) |
Location |
Thursday, 10:00 am |
Dopamine and causal learning |
Prof. Vijay Nambododiri Weil Institue for neurosciences |
Thursday 3:30 pm |
Neural Mechanism for persistent pursuit of reward |
Prof. Masaki Ogawa Shiga University of Medical Science |
Thursday, 10:00 am |
Under Pressure: the role of PIEZO ion channels in interoception | Prof.Kara Marshall https://www.themarshalllab.com/ |
Thursday, November 14th, 5:00 pm |
Reward prediction error neurons implement an efficient code for reward | Prof. Heiko Schütt https://www.uni.lu/fhse-en/people/heiko-schutt/ |
ZOOM/L4E01 |
Tuesday, November 26th, 10:00 am |
Kenta M. Hagihara M.D.,Ph.D, |
2023 schedule
Date |
Seminar title |
Presenter(s) |
Location |
Wednesday, February 22nd, |
Complex memory, sleep, and plasticity |
Prof. Lisa Genzel Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour, Radboud University |
Thursday, March 30th, |
Induction of hibernation-like state in mice |
Prof. Takeshi Sakurai Faculty of Medicine/WPI-IIIS, University of Tsukuba |
Thursday, April 20th, 10:00 am |
How movements during sleep teach infant brains how their bodies move |
Prof. Jimmy Dooley Department of biological sciences, Purdue University, USA
Thursday, May 18th, 9:30 am | Firing dynamics organization of motor cortical influences |
Prof. Andrew Miri Northwestern University www.mirilab.org
Thursday, June 15th, |
Neural Mechanisms of interactive communications |
Prof. Michael Long NewYork University |
Friday, July 21st, |
Deciphering the Mystery of Sleep: the insights from comparative neuroscience |
Prof. Shoi Shi IIIS, University of Tsukuba https://wpi-iiis.tsukuba.ac.jp/japanese/research/member/detail/shoishi/ |
ZOOM/ L4F01 |
Thursday September 14th , 10:00 am | Linking transcriptomics, connectomics, and circuit function in the mouse motor system |
Prof. Michael Economo Boston University
Thursday |
Modeling sensorimotor circuits with task-driven & reinforcement learning |
Prof. Alexander Mathis École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland |
2022 schedule
Date | Seminar title | Presenter(s) | Location |
Thursday, February 3rd, 4:30 pm |
Quantum Birds: The Magnetic Compass Sense of night-migratory Songbirds |
Prof. Henrik Mouritsen Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences, University Oldenburg, Germany https://uol.de/ibu/neurosensorik/members/prof-dr-henrik-mouritsen |
Thursday, April 7th, |
Brain region evolution by duplication and divergence -- lessons from the cerebellar nuclei |
Prof. Justus Kebschull Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
Thursday, April 21st, 12:00 pm |
A midbrain-thalamus-cortex circuit reorganizes cortical dynamics to initiate planned movement |
Prof. Hidehiko Inagaki Research group leader, Max Plank Florida Institute for Neuroscience |
Thursday, May 12th, 5:00 pm |
Neural mechanisms for memory and emotional processing during sleep |
Prof. Gabrielle Girardeau (Postponed to September) Principal Investigator, CRCN Inserm, France |
Thursday, June 2nd, 9:00 am |
Multiple maps for navigation |
Prof. Lisa Giocomo Associate Professor of Neurobiology, Stanford University School of Medicine |
Thursday, August 25th, 4:00 pm |
Multimodal, multi-timescale signals in the visual system orchestrate robust, rapid, and flexible walking control |
Dr. Terufumi Fujiwara Postdoctoral Fellow, Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal (Incoming PI at RIKEN from November) |
Thursday, October 20th, 2:30 pm | Learning in intelligent systems |
Prof. Hiroshi Makino Nanyang Assistant Professor, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University |
2021 schedule
Date | Seminar title | Presenter(s) | Location |
Thursday, November 25th, |
Note from Underground: vocal communication in a eusocial rodent |
Prof. Alison Barker Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt |
Thursday, October 28th, 4pm |
Emergence of organization and computation in neural circuits |
Prof. Julijana Gjorgjieva Assistant Professor in Computational Neuroscience, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Technical University of Munich |
Thursday, October 21st, 10am | Flexible identification of cognitive computations from spikes |
Prof. Tatiana Engel Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Engel Laboratory, United States https://facultyprofiles.cshl.edu/tatiana.engel
Thursday, October 7th, 9 am |
Cell type-specific transcriptional networks in brain evolution and disease |
Professor Genevieve Konopka Jon Heighten Scholar in Autism Research, Department of Neuroscience, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA |
Thursday, August 19th, 9 am |
Learning in neocortex-cerebellum networks |
Dr. Mark J. Wagner Stadtman Investigator, National Institutes of Health, USA |
Thursday, July 8th, |
Visual motion processing from retina to visual cortical areas in mice |
Professor Keisuke Yonehara DANDRITE, Nordic EMBL, Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Denmark |
Thursday 27th May, |
Intrinsic Reward in Birdsong Learning |
Prof. Richard Hahnloser Professor, Institute of Neuroinformatics, |
April 14 - April 15, |
Active Dendritic Processing in the Cerebral Cortex |
April 15: Dr. Naoya Takahashi Team Leader, Université de Bordeaux April 14: Dr. Athanasia Papoutsi Principal Staff Scientist, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas |
Thursday 18th February, 10:00 am |
Hippobellum in health and disease: cerebellar influence on the hippocampus |
Prof. Esther Krook-Magnuson Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota |
2020 schedule
Date | Seminar title | Presenter(s) | Location |
Thursday 4th June, 4:00pm |
Stabilization of perceptual representations by thalamic input |
Dr. Ian Schmitt |
Thursday 2nd July, 4:30 pm |
Adult-neurogenesis for memory consolidation during sleep |
Masanori Sakaguchi, M.D., Ph.D.
Thursday 27th August, 4:00pm | Transforming visual information between areas V1 and MT |
Dr Nic Price |
Friday 9th October, 4:00pm | Higher-Order thalamus encodes correct goal-directed action |
Prof. Lucy Palmer |
Friday 23rd October, 4:00pm |
Which way to go in neuroscience? From behavior to brain activity and vice versa. |
Prof. Joshua Johnson Prof.Kenji Doya |
Friday 20th November, 4:00pm | Visual information processing through the interplay between fast and slow pathways |
Prof Si Wu School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Co-editor-in-chief of Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience https://mgv.pku.edu.cn/english/people/lbd/soeeace/267528.htm |
Friday 11th December, 4:00pm |
Unraveling cortical circuits for perceptual decision making |
Prof Lee Seung-Hee Associate Professor, Sensory processing lab , KAIST |