New Biology and Medicine Derived from Human Protein Synthesis Enzymes


2020年1月22日 (水) 14:00


Lab 1 B503


New Biology and Medicine Derived from Human Protein Synthesis Enzymes

Dr. Sunghoon Kim is a professor at College of Pharmacy and director of Medicinal Bioconvergence Research Center (Biocon) of Seoul National University, Korea. He has been studying novel functions of human aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (ARSs) that have been regarded as housekeeping machinery for protein synthesis. His series of the discoveries on the new function, pathology and medicine of ARSs are rapidly opening a research area that throws new insights into the central dogma of life and human diseases. Fascinatingly, the series of his research products were delivered via clinical validation to industry for drug development. His seminar will provide good examples how an insightful idea can lead to a new knowledge and how the new discovery of basic life science can be translated to biomedical applications.

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