Journal club seminar: Basics of Covariant Quantization of Superstring


2019年11月27日 (水) 14:00 16:00


B 712, Lab 3


  Mirian Tsulaila will tell us about "Basics of Covariant Quantization of Superstring". The useful references are  ICTP Lectures on Covariant Quantization of the Superstring  and Multiloop Amplitudes and Vanishing Theorems using the Pure Spinor Formalism for the Superstrin The Green-Schwarz formulation of superstring is described in the String theory book by M. Green, J. Schwarz and E. Witten  (chapter 5).

Abstract: We give a brief introduction to a covariant quantization of superstrings, using a pure spinor formalism.  We shall also try to discuss some applications such as tree and loop (hopefully) diagrams.
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