Workshop: "Making the most of your presentation"

Target Audience: Researchers and students
Session format: Workshop
Speaker: Dr Jean-luc Doumont, Principiae;
Short description:
Strong presentation skills are a key to success for researchers and other professionals alike, yet many speakers are at a loss to tackle the task. Systematic as they usually are in their work, they go at it intuitively or haphazardly, with much good will but seldom with an effective outcome. This lecture proposes a systematic way to prepare and deliver an oral presentation.
Learning objectives:
By the end of this session participants will be able to...
- structure their research story into an audience-oriented narrative;
- design slides that get the message across without distraction;
- tell what makes for an effective delivery—verbally, vocally, and visually.
Registration deadline: May 10, 2019. 25 participants max. In case there are more than 25 people registered, a waiting list will be created.
To register CLICK HERE
Post-workshop survey SUMMARY
About the speaker:
An engineer (Louvain) and PhD in applied physics (Stanford), Jean-luc Doumont is acclaimed worldwide for his no-nonsense approach, his highly applicable, often life-changing recommendations on a wide range of topics, and Trees, maps, and theorems, his book about “effective communication for rational minds.” For additional information, visit
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