Seminar: "Why Capable People Suffer from Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It"



C209, Central Building


Target Audience: OIST Researchers and staff members. Faculty members is also welcome. Student session will be held later that day.

Session format: Interactive Seminar followed by Q&A

Speaker: Dr. Valerie Young, an internationally-known expert on the impostor syndrome and author of award-winning book "The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women"

Short Description: Millions of people around the world secretly worry they’re not as smart or talented as other people “think” they are. The so-called impostor syndrome impacts both men and women in a variety of disciplines and is especially rampant in academia.

Discussion point:

  • Discover the sources of impostor feelings in high achievers
  • Identify your personal competence type
  • Learn about unconscious coping behaviors used to avoid being found out
  • Understand the costs of these behaviors to individuals as well as organizations
  • Gain practical, immediately usable strategies to help yourself, people you lead, and/or your children to end this unique form of self-doubt.


Registration deadline: March 12, 2018


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