Workshop: "Aligning Expectations with a Research Supervisor"



C700, Lab3


Target Audience: OIST Postdocs and Researchers. Student's session will be held in the afternoon.

Session format: Interactive workshop

Speaker: Dr. Margaret Kiley, ANU College of Arts and Social SciencesAustralia​

Learning Objectives:

      This session aims to answer the following questions:

  • Why are expectations in a supervisory relationship so important?
  • Where are some of the main areas of confusion related to expectations?
  • What strategies exist to assist supervisors and researchers addressing the complex issue of expectations kin the relationship?


Registration deadline: January 31, 2018


About the Speaker:

For many years Margaret Kiley’s research and teaching interests have been related to the education of future researchers. Margaret holds an adjunct position at the Australian National University and has a conjoint position at Newcastle University, Australia. In addition to working in Further/Higher Education in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia and the UK she has also presented workshops on research education and training in New Zealand, Myanmar, Canada and the USA. In 2017 she received the Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR) Award for Excellence in Graduate Research Leadership. A recent publication is: Taylor, S., Kiley, M., & Humphrey, R. (2017). A handbook for doctoral supervisors (2nd ed.). Oxon: Routledge.

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