Oceanographic expedition MR17-03C delayed by Typhoon

The Typhoon
The typhoon/Tropical Storm 'Lan' is forecast to pass near Okinawa and head toward mainland Japan this weekend (2017/10/22). More information available at The Weather Channel.
The impact of Typhoons on local and regional oceanography have profound impacts on marine ecosystems so are of particular interest to us here in the Marine Biophysics Unit.
- Mitarai, S., & McWilliams, J. C. (2016). Wave glider observations of surface winds and currents in the core of Typhoon Danas. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(21).
- Grossmann, M. M., Gallager, S. M., & Mitarai, S. (2015). Continuous monitoring of near-bottom mesoplankton communities in the East China Sea during a series of typhoons. Journal of oceanography, 71(1), 115-124.
The Cruise
Ironically the phenomenon that we are so interested in studying is preventing us from carrying out our oceanographic research. Professor Satoshi Mitarai and researchers of JAMSTEC are currently delayed aboard the RV Mirai at port in Mutsu, awaiting an updated forecast on the path of Typhoon Lan.