Mechanisms of modulation of vocal learning


2017年10月30日 (月) 15:00 16:00


C016, Lab1, Level C


Neuronal Mechanism for Critical Period Unit (Yazaki-Sugiyama Unit) would like to invite you to a seminar by Associate Professor Jon T. Sakata from McGill University.


Date: Monday, October 30, 2017

Time: 15:00-16:00

Venue: C016, Level C, Lab 1


Associate Professor Jon T. Sakata, McGill University

Mechanisms of modulation of vocal learning

Many forms of learning, including vocal motor learning, are modulated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors.  Songbirds like the zebra finch provide an excellent opportunity to reveal the mechanisms by which intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence vocal learning.  I will discuss two recent experiments from my lab documenting how biological predispositions and social interactions shape vocal learning (Chen et al., 2016; James and Sakata, in press).  I will also discuss the role of catecholamines like norepinephrine in the modulation of learning.  We reveal a number of parallels in how intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence vocal learning in songbirds and humans, suggesting that shared mechanisms mediate these influences.

Associate Prof. Yazaki-Sugiyama

We hope to see many of you at the seminar.

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