"Bio-Inspired Mn(I) Complexes for Hydrogenation of Carbon dioxide to Formate and Formamide" -- Dr. Abhishek Dubey


2017年3月1日 (水) 16:30 17:00




Internal Seminar: Abhishek Dubey, Postdoctoral Researcher, Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis Unit (Khusnutdinova Unit)

Title: " Bio-Inspired Mn(I) Complexes for Hydrogenation of Carbon dioxide to Formate and Formamide "
Abstract: Hydrogenation of CO2 and carbonyl groups catalyzed by transition metal complexes has a great number of important practical applications in organic synthesis and energy storage. Utilizing inexpensive catalysts containing earth-abundant, non-toxic metals and simple, robust ligands for these reactions is key factor for creating cost-effective industrial processes. We were able to design simple and efficient Mn catalyst with a simple N-donor ligand (6,6’-dihydroxy-2,2’-bipyridyl) for hydrogenation of CO2 to formate and formamides. This is the first example of using non-phosphine ligand for CO2 hydrogenation with earth-abundant metals. The ligand design principle utilizes second coordination sphere interactions similar to those present in [Fe]-hydrogenase enzyme.

Refreshments will be served afterwards. We hope to see you there!


Internal Seminar Organizing Committee:
Marylka Yoe Uusisaari
Bianca Sieveritz 
Rob Campbell 
Margaret Mars-Brisbin
Jonathan Ward 
Lauren Dembeck 
Maéva Techer 
Jigyasa Arora
Yuka Suzuki

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