"The First Gene Functional Study on Corals Gives Insight into Evolution" -- Dr. Yuuri Yasuoka


2016年11月4日 (金) 17:30 18:00




Internal Seminar: Yuuri Yasuoka, Postdoctoral Researcher, Marine Genomics Unit (Satoh Unit)

Title: "The First Gene Functional Study on Corals Gives Insight into Evolution"

Abstract: Coral reefs support the biodiversity of marine organisms and the local economy in Okinawa and other subtropical areas around the world. Therefore, our unit has been studying the genetic basis of the coral ecosystem. So far, we have decoded genomes of corals and coral-symbiotic algae, providing databases to analyze their genes. Here, I would like to introduce the next stage of our coral study. I have developed a micro injection method for coral embryos and succeeded to analyze gene functions during coral embryogenesis. The result tells us an evolutionary scenario of our body plans. The method is theoretically applicable for further analysis using coral embryos.

Refreshments will be served afterwards. We hope to see you there!


Internal Seminar Organizing Committee

Bianca Sieveritz
Rob Campbell 
Maggi Mars-Brisbin 
Yunhui Zheng 
Jonathan Ward 
Lauren Dembeck 
Jigyasa Arora 
Maéva Techer

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