"Singularities of a variety and the Nash problem" Prof. Shihoko Ishii

In my talk, I will introduce a singularity on an algebraic variety.
A singularity (or singular point) on an algebraic variety is a point where the variety is not smooth. In algebraic geometry, singularities play villains' roles. If a variety has a singularity, then the variety does not behave well and it becomes difficult to describe the variety by means of algebraically geometric method.Therefore mathematicians tried to reduce the problem of a variety into the problem of a smooth variety. In order to do it, we need a resolution of the singularities of a variety.
In 1960's Professor Heisuke Hironaka proved the existence of resolutions of the singularities of a variety and was awarded Fields medal, the most prestigious prize in mathematics. I will show an intrinsic view of a resolution of the singularities.
Brief Biography
I was born in Takaoka city in Toyama prefecture in Japan and finished high school there and came to Tokyo to enter in Tokyo Women's Christian College. After I got Batchelor there, I got Master degree in the graduate school of Waseda University. And then I got the PhD. degree in Tokyo Metropolitan University. Now I am a professor in the graduate school of Mathematical Science of the University of Tokyo. My field is mathematics and the main interest is singularities on a variety in an algebraically geometric view point.
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