[Seminar] "Cell type-specific omics in neuron-glia co-cultures" by Prof. Indrek Koppel


2024年10月11日 (金) 10:00 11:00


Lab5D23 (Seminar Room)



Prof. Indrek Koppel, Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech, Estonia)


"Cell type-specific omics in neuron-glia co-cultures"


In addition to neurons, brains contain about the same number of specialized non-neuronal brain cells, collectively known as glia. Glial cells have several important roles in nervous system development and homeostasis, including establishing connectivity, maintenance of neurotransmission and immune functions. Together with neurons, these cells form a complex, intertwined network that is subject to constant interaction between different cell types.

In this seminar, I will talk about ongoing work in my lab focused on three main topics.  First, we are developing a method for cell type-specific labeling of de novo synthesized proteins based on metabolic labeling with puromycin. Second, we study neuron-glia  communication in primary cultures of rat cortical cells using DREADD chemogenetics for cell-specific activation and Ribotag for cell type-specific mRNA profiling. Finally, we are interested in regulation of protein synthesis in glial cells.


Indrek Koppel is an Estonian molecular neurobiologist. Indrek studied biology in University of Tartu (Estonia) and completed his MSc and PhD training in molecular neuroscience at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech, Estonia). For his postdoc, Indrek joined Mike Fainzilber’s lab at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) to study long-range molecular communication in peripheral sensory neurons and intrinsic mechanisms of cell size regulation.  After postdoctoral training, Indrek returned to Estonia joining TalTech as an assistant professor.


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