Internal Seminar: Yuka Suzuki, Relating explicit spatial structure with biodiversity in metacommunity


2018年9月28日 (金) 16:00




Internal Seminar

Speaker: Yuka Suzuki, PhD Student, Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit (Evan Economo Unit)

Title: Relating explicit spatial structure with biodiversity in metacommunity


One of the challenging questions in Ecology is how spatial structure influences the formation of biodiversity patterns. The understanding of the dynamics involved with spatial structure is also critical for conservation plan, such as to decide where to protect first. 
I explore networks that represent population connectivity including cases where dispersal is symmetric and asymmetric, looking for the relationship between population connectivity network structure and biodiversity patterns therein. I start with neutral model, which focused on stochastic processes applying to all individuals, and will further develop models to incorporate species-specific processes. I will investigate the interplay between spatial structure, stochastic processes, and species-specific processes, and the role of spatial structure in it.

Following the seminar, please enjoy free pizza, soft drinks, and lively scientific discussion from 5-5:30pm. 

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