Internal Seminar: Hong Huat Hoh, 3D Tissue Culture Model for Study of Pancreatic Cancer


2018年7月6日 (金) 16:00




Internal Seminar

Speaker: Hong Huat Hoh, PhD Student, Cell Signal Unit (Tadashi Yamamoto)

Title: 3D Tissue Culture Model for Study of Pancreatic Cancer


I will lay out the benefits and steps used for culturing primary pancreatic tissues in 3D on a tissue culture dish. Using this culture method, I seek to study the biology of extracellular vesicles released from the normal and cancerous pancreatic tissues. I will present the aim, motivation, methodology and future prospect of the work in a widely comprehensible way.

Please join us for free pizza, soft drinks, and scientific discussion following the seminar, from 5-5:30pm. 


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