ABiS-GBI-OIST-ResonanceBio Joint Symposium ‘Frontiers in Bioimaging’

ABiS-GBI-OIST-ResonanceBio Joint Symposium - Frontiers in Bioimaging -
This symposium is open to everyone who is interested in bioimaging.
No registration is required. Looking forward to your participation.
Date & Time: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 10:30-15:40
Venue: B250 seminar room, OIST Center Building
Access to OIST: https://www.oist.jp/access-map
10:30-10:40 Opening remarks Mizuki SHIMANUKI (OIST)
Session 1 Chair: Naoto UENO (NIBB)
10:40-11:05 Makoto YOSHIZAWA (RIKEN)
Fast and accurate edge-aware image filters
11:05-11:30 Hiroshi KOYAMA (NIBB)
Tissue elongation and pattern formation of cells on isotropically expanding field
11:30-11:55 Jason SWEDLOW (University of Dundee)
OME’s Bio-Formats, OMERO & IDR: Open Tools for Accessing, Integrating, Mining & Publishing Image Data @ Scale
11:55-12:10 Break
Session 2 Chair: Jason Swedlow (University of Dundee)
12:10-12:35 Yusuke MORIMOTO (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Visualization of signal transductions during development of Dictyostelium
12:35-13:00 Akihiro KUSUMI (OIST)
Signal transduction enabled by very transient molecular complexes: findings by single-molecule tracking
13:00-13:50 Lunch
Session 3 Chair: Kohei Otomo (Hokkaido University)
13:50-14:15 Mako KAMIYA (The University of Tokyo)
Rapid cancer imaging by rationally designed fluorescence probes
14:15-14:40 Minh DOAN (Broad Institute)
Beyond the conventional information in images
14:40-15:05 Peilin CHEN (Academia Sinica)
Towards rapid, large-scale, and three-dimensional superresolution imaging via lightsheet localization microscopy
15:05-15:30 Keiko KONO (OIST)
Mechanisms and consequences of plasma membrane repair
15:30-15:35 Closing remarks Naoto UENO (NIBB)
ABiS: Advanced Bioimaging Support http://www.nibb.ac.jp/abis/?lang=en
GBI: Global Bioimaging Project http://www.eurobioimaging.eu/global-bioimaging https://www.globalbioimaging.org/
OIST: Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology https://www.oist.jp/
Resonance Bio: Resonance Biology for Innovative Bioimaging https://reso.m.ehime-u.ac.jp/
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