[Seminar] Community assembly and species coexistence in the heterogeneous world

2022年11月17日 (木) 10:00
C700, Lab 3
The talk will be held in-person in seminar room C700, Lab 3 on the OIST campus.
How ecological communities are assembled and maintained is a fundamental question in community ecology. To tackle this challenge in the heterogeneous world, we need to understand how community assembly patterns change with environmental gradients and how species coexist in temporally fluctuating environments. In the first of my talk, I introduce our study on changes in plant community assembly patterns along with the largest global environmental gradient, the latitudinal gradient. Then, I will present how the seasonal variability of environments contributes to the coexistence of phytoplankton species in a lake. These results altogether uncover how spatiotemporal heterogeneity of environments forms ecological communities in nature.
Speaker Bio
Naoto Shinohara is a specially appointed assistant professor at Tohoku University and a visiting researcher at Hirosaki University where he studies big questions in community assembly and species coexistence. Naoto recently finished a postdoc at the National Research Institute of Fisheries Science before which he earned a PhD from the University of Tokyo.
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