[Seminar] Christian Guckelsberger: "Four projects on Intrinsic Motivation, Embodiment, Creativity & Videogames"

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Speaker: Christian Guckelsberger
Christian is a Computer Scientist, Art Historian and Assistant Professor in Creative Technologies at Aalto University. He investigates how we can engineer artificial systems that are creative in their own right, and how we can support their sustainable adoption in human culture and society. Christian drives this twofold agenda through interdisciplinary, theoretical work as well as applied qualitative and quantitative research in various creative domains such as videogames, fine art and design, bridging between AI, HCI, Cognitive Science and Creative Practice.
Affiliations: Department of Computer Science, Aalto University, Finland Game AI Research Group, Queen Mary University of London, UK Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI).
Web: https://www.aalto.fi/en/people/christian-guckelsberger
Title: Four projects on Intrinsic Motivation, Embodiment, Creativity & Videogames
Creativity does not happen in a vacuum but is situated in the interaction of embodied agents with their physical, social, and cultural environment. In this overview talk, Christian advocates computational intrinsic motivation as a key to unleashing creativity in artificial agents, and videogames as experimental playground and application domain. He supports his argument through brief introductions to four ongoing research projects on the intersection of AI, HCI, cognitive science and videogames, investigating (1) computational intrinsic reward as a predictor of human experience, (2) intrinsic motivation as a driver of emergent support and antagonism in multi-agent systems, (3) intentional creative agency at the edge of being, and (4) the role of embodiment in the perception of artificial creativity. The talk concludes by highlighting further related research questions that could spark inspiring discussions with the OIST community.
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