Joint ISSP-OIST Symposium: "Lighting Up New Frontiers - From Tokyo to Okinawa, From Materials to Neurons"


2014年3月10日 (月) 9:002014年3月11日 (火) 17:30


B250 and Restaurant Floor (Poster Session)


The Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP) and the OIST Femtosecond Spectroscopy Unit will be holding the "Joint ISSP-OIST Symposium: Lighting Up New Frontiers - From Tokyo to Okinawa, From Materials to Neurons" at OIST March 10th - March 11th, 2014. 
Please see here for the Symposium Program
Please see here for the Presentation Abstracts.
Please see here for the Poster Abstracts.

OIST members are welcome to join all  presentation sessions during the two-day symposium.

If you have any additional questions regarding this symposium, please visit the Symposium Website or contact the Conference & Workshop Section or the Femtosecond Spectroscopy Unit.

Website URL
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OIST (Femtosecond Spectroscopy Unit)
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