E-workshop: "Visual Design for Communication".



You must RSVP to attend.


Target Audience: Everyone is welcome. Faculty, staff and students can all benefit from this session.

Session format:

Two-Part workshop (Part 2 is optional and enrollment is limited).

Workshop description and goals:

You have some data, and it's telling you something. But when making a graph or other kind of representation, how do you know other people see what you do? Design principles are here to help! Dr. Katie Peek will cover the basics of good visualization design and discuss strategies she uses in her own work to make a visual shine.

Workshop participants will learn the first steps toward thinking like a graphic designer to effectively communicate their key messages through visualizations. We will explore examples of charts and graphics and learn about the key design principles that make them work to engage our audiences and focus their attention on what we would like them to see. Dr. Peek will share useful resources for learning more about the aspects of the field of data/information visualization that interest you.

Join us for this interactive workshop so that you can enhance your skills in creating and using effective visualizations to communicate effectively.

Part 1

Interactive 60-minute workshop and presentation. Registration deadline for Part 1: January 18th, 2022.

Register to attend Part 1


Part 2 (optional; spaces are limited)

30-minute follow-up session in which participants will receive feedback on a visualization (e.g. graph; chart; illustration; a single PowerPoint slide; etc.) you are working on. Spaces are limited to 8 participants only. Please register separately. Registration deadline for Part 2: January 18th, 2022.

Register to attend Part 2


All registered participants are expected to attend the session.

About the Speaker:

Katie Peek, Ph.D., is a journalist and data visualization designer who specializes in print graphics for science magazines. Her recent work has explored the opening Arcticmisled penguins, and internet infrastructure. She is a contributing artist at Scientific American and regularly creates pieces for Audubon and the New York Times. She also illustrates science books, including Magnitude: The Scale of the Universe and Einstein's Shadow: A Black Hole, a Band of Astronomers, and the Quest to See the Unseeable. Originally an astrophysicist, she holds a degree in science journalism and is the former graphics editor for Popular Science.

Dr. Katie Peek creates data visualizations on science topics for general-interest magazines. Her background includes an astrophysics Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley and a science journalism degree from New York University. She's been working as a visual journalist for the past decade, first at Popular Science magazine and independently since 2016. She contributes to Scientific American, Audubon, and the New York Times Magazine, among others. She also writes articles and illustrates books.

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