Seminar 'The superconductor to insulator transition in thin films' on Tue 24 Dec 13:00


2013年12月24日 (火) 13:00 14:00


Seminar Room C 210, Level C, Centre Bldg.


Dear all,  

We would like to invite you to a seminar scheduled for next week, Tue 24 December.

Date/Time:  Tuesday 24 December 2013  13:00 - 14:00 
Venue:        Seminar Room C210, Level C, Centre Bldg. 
Speaker:      Mr. Amir Erez, Department of Physics, Ben Gurion University
Title:           The superconductor to insulator transition in thin films


Thin film superconductivity is actively studied for over three decades, yet many questions remain. A major open question is the effect of heterogeneity on the phase transition: does it change the dynamics or universality class of the transition, or does it simply modify coefficients ? Can one describe disordered superconducting films using Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless theory, or perhaps using percolation theory ? If so, how can percolation be measured experimentally ? In this talk, I will discuss some progress we have made in answering these questions. Special emphasis will be placed on the dynamics of disordered films following a temperature quench into the superconducting state.


We welcome all to attend the seminar!  

Momoko Zamami
Biological Physics Theory Unit
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
1919-1 Tancha, Onna-son, Okinawa 904-0495 JAPAN
Tel: +81-98-966-2116 (Direct) +81-98-966-8711 (Main)
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