"On the value of information in gambling, evolution and thermodynamics", Prof. Luca Peliti (SMRI, Italy)


2018年2月2日 (金) 14:00 15:00


C210, Center Building


  • Date: Friday, February 2nd
  • Time: 14:00-15:00
  • Venue: C210, Center Building
  • Speaker: Luca Peliti, Professor, Deputy Director at SMRI, Italy
  • Title: On the value of information in gambling, evolution and thermodynamics


The connection between the information value of a message and capital gain was made by Kelly in 1956. In 1965 Kimura tried to evaluate the rate of information intake by a population undergoing Darwinian evolution by equating it with the substitutional load. Recently, the analogy between Kelly's scheme and work extraction was pointed out in the context of stochastic thermodynamics. I shall try to connect these threads, highlighting analogies and differences between the meaning of information and its value in the different contexts.

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