Deepak Bhat deepak.bhat(at)oist.jp I am a statistical physicist interested in understanding diverse complex biological and social systems. More specifically, some of my previous works are on investigating (a) statistical properties of motor protein-based intra-cellular transport (b) non-equilibrium dynamics of piston in the Szilard engine (c) fixation in fluctuating population, (d) opinion dynamics in a heterogeneous society. I make use of tools of stochastic processes, non-equilibrium statistical physics, and computational techniques in my work. |
Davide Chiuchiù davide.chiuchiu(at)oist.jp My research activity at OIST involves the study of self-replicating biological systems with stochastic thermodynamics. In particular, I investigate the thermodynamic limits of self-replication mechanisms. Although the study-subject is biological, information theory plays a central role in my research: unwanted errors in self-replication are usually avoided through processes similar to those in current computers. Moreover, it has been established that thermodynamics and information theory are deeply interconnected. During my PhD at the Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italy) I have studied the relation between information and thermodynamics in current computing systems. I am an amateur improv-actor and all-time gamer. |
Paula Villa Martín paula.villamartin(at)oist.jp I am a physicist enthusiastic about biology. Currently I am focused on the study of microbial population dynamics. Through the study of models based on statistical mechanics and stochastic processes I particularly aim to understand how environmental fluctuations and fluid transport affect the evolution of plankton population. During my PhD at the University of Granada (Spain) I concentrated on how diffusion, spatial disorder, network structure, and co-evolution affects the behavior of ecological and biological systems. My main hobbies include reading, watching good films, handicraft, and doing sport. Although I have spend most of my time skiing, hiking, and practicing martial arts, I enjoy almost every sport. |
Ph.D. Students
Luke Carter luke.carter(at)oist.jp
Anzhelika Koldaeva anzhelika.koldaeva1(at)oist.jp I am a PhD student with mathematical background who is interested in the application of mathematical approaches to biology. Currently I am studying population dynamics of bacteria in microchannels. My goal is to construct and investigate the realistic mathematical model behind the microbial proliferation process with competition for resources. It turns out that the stochastic processes theory, statistical physics, probability theory, and mathematical statistics provide powerful tools to describe complex biological systems with a large number of interacting individuals. Working on the edge of different scientific fields is a completely new experience and of great interest to me! OIST is well-placed to do the research with an amazing view from the window to a tropical island. I am in love with the sea, marine activities, local food, and culture, which makes my time here not only productive but also super-fun!
Lu Qiao qiao.lu(at)oist.jp I’m a PhD student from China with physics background. My main focus is in statistical physics and biophysics, but I have a wide range of interests in many areas of theoretical physics and other activities, such as books about literature, history, history of science. Classical music and travalling are necessary for me as well. Finally, having lived in the UK for 4 years during my undergraduate and master, I’m also a fan of gardening. |
Research Unit Administrator
Miwa Matsui
+81 (0)98 966 2248 (Postdocs and Ph.D. students)