
2022年11月25日 (金) 14:00 14:45

FY22 _Fixed Asset Inspection session will be held via Zoom.Those in charge of please participate in this session.


2022年12月1日 (木) 11:00

Language: English


2022年11月4日 (金) 10:00

Biological Complexity Unit Seminar, open to everyone who is interested. In person or zoom. Lab 3 B712.

Title: "GC bias-aware abundance estimation from metagenomic data increases accuracy and replicability"


2022年11月10日 (木) 14:00

Speaker: Prof. Agnid Banerjee (TIFR CAM, Bangalore)

Title: Space like strong unique continuation for some fractional parabolic equations


2023年2月8日 (水) 16:00 17:00

Speaker: Dr. Thomas Akam, University of Oxford


2022年11月15日 (火) 16:30 17:30

Giada Volpato, University of Florence

Title: On the restriction of a character of \(\mathfrak{S}_n\) to a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup


2022年11月7日 (月) 13:00 15:00

Technical seminar by Protochips Inc: Axon, new transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation and Poseidon, a liquid cell holder fo TEM observation in liquid condition.  All OIST members are welcome to join the seminar. 



2022年11月9日 (水) 11:00 12:00

Seminar: “The smaller they are, the harder they fly: how insect flight copes with miniaturization” by Prof. Sanjay P Sane


2022年10月31日 (月) 10:00 16:30

Joint seminar: “Ecological Approaches to Anthropogenic Environment, from Basic to Applied” by Hirosaki University - Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicin - OIST - Tokushima University


2022年11月16日 (水) 14:00 15:00

Title: HIV keeps on surprising us: a CRISPR-Cas cure adventure and a drug-resistance story

By Dr. Ben Berkhout, University of Amsterdam.

Language: English, no interpretation 
