
2020年6月24日 (水) 14:00

Title: AdS3 gravity and random CFT

Abstract: We are goin to discuss the recent paper by Jordan Cotler and Kristan Jensen   "AdS3 gravity and random CFT". Yasha Neiman will lead the discussion. 


2020年6月29日 (月) 12:00

Speaker: Bogna Ignatowska-Jankowska (Postdoctoral Scholar at Neuronal Rhythms in Movement Unit led by Marylka Yoe Uusisaari)

Location: C700 (Lab 3), Zoom

Title: Distinct behavioral effects of cannabinoids in 3D motion capture of freely moving mice



2020年6月26日 (金) 14:00

Theoretical Physics Seminar.
Speaker: 'Hannes Schoenke (Mathematics, Mechanics, Materials, and other aspects of M Theory).
Title: "A glimpse into the beauty of algebraic geometry (examples included!)"


2020年6月22日 (月) 15:30 17:00

Large N Phase Transitions and Small AdS-Schwarzschild Black Holes

Speaker: Sudip Ghosh

Abstract: We will discuss aspects of small AdS-Schwarzschild Black Holes in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. In particular we will consider issues related to dynamical instabilities of small black holes and their dual interpretation in the boundary gauge theory at large N. 


2020年6月17日 (水) 14:00

Title: Extended TQFT

Abstract: This talk is the continuation of my TQFT discussion from last week. I am going to discuss the extended TQFT as an open-closed strings following the nice paper by Aaron D. Lauda, Hendryk Pfeiffer  "Open-closed strings: Two-dimensional extended TQFTs and Frobenius algebras". After that I am going to discuss 2-categories approach and compare it with asymptotic symmetries and edge modes. 


2020年6月15日 (月) 15:30

QG group meeting.
Speaker: Yasha Neiman
Title: "Boundary locality vs. higher-spin symmetry"


2020年6月24日 (水) 13:00 15:00

Our new Deigo Cluster is coming! Learn all about the migration, and ask us any questions you may have.


2020年6月10日 (水) 14:00

Title: Strings from Massive Higher Spins: The Asymptotic Uniqueness of the Veneziano Amplitude

Abstract: We are going to discuss the recent paper by Simon Caron-Huot, Zohar Komargodski, Amit Sever and Alexander Zhiboedov  "Strings from Massive Higher Spins: The Asymptotic Uniqueness of the Veneziano Amplitude". Dorian Weissman will be leading the discussion. 


2020年6月22日 (月) 15:00 16:00

TQM unit is holding a Zoom seminar.


2020年6月8日 (月) 15:30

Title : TQFT and Asymptotic symmetries

Speaker: Vyacheslav  Lysov

Abstract: I will provide an introduction to topological quantum field theories (TQFT) and their generalization - Extended TQFT. Using the TQFT framework I am going to discuss the behaviour of Hilbert spaces, associated to the  boundary components, under the gluing. 

