Public Speech Seminar: Speaking about Science



Online (Zoom)


Speaking about Science

This webinar is adapted from Speaking about Science written by Scott Morgan and covers the structure, organization, and delivery of talks to academic peers as well as the external community. Topics include:


Common Ground: This ensures that the scientific work of the presenter is relevant to the interests of the audience and is based on solving mutual problems.

Main Question: Since time is of the essence, focusing on a single, overarching question helps set the parameter for the speaker while providing focus and context for the listeners.

Presenting Relevant Data: Short talks should revolve around a single image. The key is to illustrate what the audience finds the most difficult to visualize, without overwhelming them.

Take-home-message: An impactful take-home-message should be clear, concise, and memorable.

Title: The most engaging titles refer to the bigger picture while providing a hint as to the speaker’s contribution.

Ending the Talk: The ending of a talk should pose the next scientific steps as well reminder listeners of the importance of the work.


The webinar also covers data visualization and professional hints about presenting remotely.


  • 60-minutes + Q&A

Instructor Bio

Scott Morgan has been teaching leadership and communication skills for over 30 years. His clients include the majority of institutes at the NIH, Mount Sinai, the Mayo Clinic, The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and dozens of universities with clients from Europe, Central Asia, Japan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and South Africa. Corporate clients include GE Appliances, Schneider Electric, FireEye and Mandiant Cybersecurity (now Google), Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Infosys, International Paper, and many pharmaceutical companies (Merck, Celgene, Tarsus, Otsuka , AstraZeneca, Galderma).He is a Senior Mentor at the Leadership Academy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), graduated with honors from the University of California Davis, and holds a master’s degree in psychology from Columbia University. He authored the book Speaking about Science published by Cambridge University Press (2006) and launched a mindfulness app for young adults called 3rdi in 2014.


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